Hot Rain - Crown of Emotions

I'd like to see the band Hot Rain on tour with the band NUN as the female vocals and their stylistics are quite similar.

The music of HR is a dynamic wave running along the line of rhythmical synthesizers melodies and strong, emotional, a bit capricious vocal. A sonorous voice sounds perfectly when combined with cold electronics and constitutes a distinctive force extinguishing itself from the vivid background of sounds.

However, their pieces are not only cold, distant soundscapes – it's a kinda flame hidden in an ice cube. Moderate melodies and vocal gain dynamic aspect by means of beats, typically electro in style.

It's hard to point the fav of the EP as the whole is very consistent, following one style evoking associations with big halls lit b dancing strobo light, full of people who are put into a party trance. Fro this perspective the most distinguishable is „Place of November” and „The Past” remixed by DJ Shilmann – harsher and more trance than the rest.

On the whole the EP by the trio of Stettin makes a good, promising material. We looking forward to the full album.