Nachtmahr - Kunst ist Krieg

The siren starting the album really stands for an appropriate intro...if you decide to listen to „Kunst ist Krieg” you have to prepare yourself for war... whether your acoustic duct stands the attack of harsh sounds or gets smashed is a highly individual thing...

Nachtmahr is a project of Thomas Rainera, the founder of such projects as L'ame Imortelle and Siechtum. The debut EP „Kunst ist Krieg” is a very cohesive release, set in harsh, energetic and extremely dancy atmosphere, holding real smashing hits, such as „Boomboomboom”, the piece already present at Polish dance-floors „Deus ex Machina”, or other jewels: „Ein spiel” and „EinHundertAcht” - these all are rich in samples, highly overdriven, disciplined by a definite rhythm, intertwined with distorted, devilish vocal.

Melodically, as I've already mentioned, it's a very craftily constructed blend of electro and industrial, characterized by raw, razor-sharp sounds and fast pace that leave no time for taking breath. And it goes on like this throughout the whole album.

Apart from the said pieces, being examples of dancy electro mastery, the EP also includes remixes (prepared by artist like Farbrik c, xpq-21, Xotox and Endif), some of which are more moderate, making good use of colder electronics, other more irregular, but on the whole they do not wander off the track beaten by their originals.

The closing track – vivid and strong - „Schwarzflug” - recorded with dj hohenstaufen and djane justine is also worth of your attention.

To sum up - „Kunst ist Krieg” will definitely suit those fond of good speed and rhythm or noisy, overwhelming sounds. The consequently chosen style of the EP leaves room for sudden, unexpected changes between samples and clear melodic lines which trick helps to avoid monotony. the fact that the said changes feature perfect precision is an evident proof that the war is planned in detail. To destroy.

I recommend.