Puppenspieler tournee 2008

It was already during the final countdown when I was getting the news: Hamburg – sold out, Krefeld – sold out, Magdeburg – sold out! And so on...the interest in „Puppenspieler” tour was and still is enormous (the first part ends on 30th May, the next part begins in October) which was surely caused also by the fact that Unheilig recently released a new album „Puppenspiel” that met a very good reception from the fans.

I chose GΓΆrlitz and indeed ... I could see with my own eyes the tickets had been sold extremely fast!
But first– the fans meet-up in the bar of Goldener Engel hotel. It was easy to notice the meeting was taking place that very place: even from the distance I could see the crowds of chatting people in front of the place, while we got inside – lots and lots of others and – what's even better – the band sitting and gossiping like at home :) It was great, we could have a word with Graf (of course, we mentioned we're waiting for him in Warsaw :) take shots and talk with other fans (Svetalna&Adrian – kisses):):) and above all prepare for the further pleasures. We set for the club at about 6, it took us a while before the club where some fat hundreds of people had already been waiting and finally the password: doors open! We managed to get straight by the stage and we strengthened out position there , so the only thing I could see was the breathtaking view of the club that was so fully packed with fans that you wouldn't stick a needle to it – splendid view, indeed!

Aside from Unheilig there were two more bands in the line-up – the one we're already familiar with Down Belowand this year's – so to say - newcomers – (cuz, as the band had existed and played for a while we hadn't seen them on such a big tour yet:) - goJA moon ROCKAH

And so it started!
One could think that in comparison to the giants of the scene the first band would seem like a fading shadow... Nothing like that happened !!! When I was watching their show I had an impression the stage was all theirs – highly charismatic vocalist (Herr JA:), very sexy and charming bass player (Herr Schreck) and ... Henning on keys supporting the whole undertaking with his talent gave an extremely energetic show and I must confess I was enchanted by the liberty, naturalness and vitality that emanated from them while onstage. Scanning, strong voice, phat guitar and lively running music were definitely something to my kind. Dancy sounds marked by a good bit and a slightly synth tint, strongly synthesized and distorted stood for a good, well presented music. My personal faves were „ Rockah” and „ Attackah Massakah” - very catchy ones.
The gents played the pieces of their newest release (of Feb. 2008) entitled „Elektronation”. The next big event they'll be playing at if, of course, Wave Gotik Treffen. We're waiting for continuation!

1. Rockah
2. Schwarz
3. Geile Tiere
4. Moon Rocky Baby
5. Attackah Massakah
6. Elektronation
7. Monotone Liebe
8. Geil-O-Mat


The next band was, like I've already said, already known to us - Down Below. Known, cause their progress as we'd been watching it last year very much remained blitzkrieg – they came and won the audience. It's quite understandable actually – well-rounded image (special, characteristic costumes), catchy, either romantic or rock melodies and strong, astounding vocal – all that had to work.
And it did! GΓΆrlitz witnessed their fine show – beautiful lights, the music (quite a lot of pieces of Sinfony23, including my fave „Run Away”) and what's most important – good sound. As to this particular band the sound is crucial, for the vocal of Neo Scope, much as beautiful it is , has no right to sink in the flood of noise and hum cuz it's loosing all its magical quality. This time however, everything went just fine and the voice played the magic tricks. Down Below definitely do not lack the scenic self-confidence and the ability to establish contact, so what can I say? Bravo!

sinfony 23
highest point
private soul security
kill your ego
down below
run away
on my way
dark queen


Still, all that was a warm-up ( high class and successful must admit) but my mind was occupied by one thought – „when is Graf coming?”:) Finally we had our wish. The scenery was changed (the clock, the candles, yes, nothing had changed...) Henning and Licky - infallible team and...ATACK!!!!! Graf burst forth and I could hear such a scream, such an applause I thought it would tear the whole Landskron KULTur BRAUEREI apart – the welcome was deafening! and it went on throughout the whole gig and two (!) encores. It's like a phenomena – Graf totally and completely rocks and controls the audience. Just by the stage there was a kinda 'catwalk' set to enter the audience and Graf spent a lot of time there. I mean I don't know how he does that, but I haven't seen him playing a bad gig yet – every subsequent one is better and - if it's possible at all – more energetic than the previous one. I hadn't expected such fireworks, but Graf reached such a level of sonic whack that he took my breath away ( saying it less poetically - he blew my mind :).
When he was playing „Lampenfieber” the sound was deafening, the heart was thumping, the blood speeding like crazy and just my vocal strings denied further cooperation at some point completely ruined after my loud manic yelling (as it was no longer singing :):):). It was ravishing!!! For such a long concert the energy wasn't falling not even for a single moment, even during the adorable ballads „An deiner Seite„ or „Astronaut” ( which, as I could see, brought tears to some peoples' eyes :).
This time we got the blue glow sticks instead of the usual sparklers, but as I could see some fans preferred the old knack and the little fires were seen in the air – so the whole hall was filled with the gentle blue lights dispersed all over – I think I don't have to say that once there was several hundreds of people inside such a view was hugely impressive ;):):) :)
Well, we simply love Graf and apparently vive versa! He was chatting with the audience and truly he didn't seem to save strengths for better times, he gave us all he had; it was as if he shared all the energy with the fans and recharged his fans' vital batteries. It was a knockout. 100% knockout!
Let me also say Graf is probably the most sexy dancing vocalist I've ever seen and the most provocative too (in the best meaning of the word): devilish mimicry, absolutely stunning charisma and totally overpowering VOICE – I'll say only that it was not a mere gig, it was the experience!
Though we were dieing of the heat we were singing and clapping our hands – it was simply impossible not to get ravished by the music, especially that the set prepared for the concert was of the energetic metal-rock kind.

As I've already said – there were two encores after which we zonked out totally – our physical strength drained and the emotional load that hit us entirely destroyed us. Marvelous concert!!! What can I say – we're waiting in Warsaw!!!!

Vorhang Auf
Fang Mich auf
Ich will alles
Sei Mein Licht
Die Bestie
An Deiner Seite
Sieh in Mein Gesicht
Kleine Puppe

Der Forhang Faelt
Sage Ja
Mein Stern


After the concerts they bands appeared among the audience ( the usual, very nice thing), but we had no strength to stay, so we just say bye to our friends and went back home. It's just through the whole way backs I was humming with my hoarsened voice „Schlaf mein kleiner Spielzeugmann ...” :)

All the information concerning the concert in Warsaw: