Agonised By Love - Lovesick Society

It has never happened that I extremely liked 100% of an album , so when 75 to 80% of material comes into play I feel the release it definitely exceptional and noteworthy.

„Lovesick Society” is the second album of Agonised By Love released by Alfa Matrix and at the same time the one that finally won me over for ABL.

It includes 12 pieces that vary in emotional coloring, still I'd say they are closer too red rather than black, moreover, it's rich red.

What I find a great advantage of the album is the fact, that it doesn't contain bland and vapid tracks: each and every one is distinctive regardless of the associations: be it a bedroom, Club Scene, romantic anxieties, or a date under the starlit sky: they all feature fine technique, original ideas and stunning melodies.

Mu unquestioned faves are the pieces representing two poles of the emotional journey: „Shelter” - the one reflecting gentle soundscapes - „Alienation, Fear, Despair” displaying those wild and hard.

„Shelter” is a song-calling, highlighting engaging melodic line and unobtrusive rhythm that together form a catchy entity. Traditionally, I'm not going to analyze the lyrics, however, I think the refrain „Just give me one reason why I should I be with you” may make more than a soul practice the fine art of argumentation

„Alienation, Fear, Despair” is a piece that definitely was the cause my neighbours fell into despair more than once in the past months, so often did I listen to it; it's not more not less than brilliant – rapacious, sexy, highly electronic, satisfyingly fast and dynamic (enough to bring and keep you at the dance floor) making a good use of abundance of samples, distortions, overdrives and other such fireworks. Above all though, it is characterized by a great melody and it perfectly combines background with vocal.

Aside from the mentioned I regard „The Hottest Summer in the History” as a masterwork – extremely warm, sensual, a bit melancholic piece enriched by a fair dose of lively running sounds (refrain) thanks to which it seems perfectly balanced and has the right speed.

Of the brightest pearls of the necklace I'd also mention „Control You” and „Brothers” - both highly individual and original to such an extent that they carry the potential to capture attention and keep brain busy for longer.

The rest fuses into one at this point, but who knows – I've been listening to the album for many times now and what I also find advantageous about it is that every time it reveals something new: so definitely it's not a „one night stand”.

„Lovesick Society” mixes like in a blender: on the one hand sonic rampancy with hypnotic, highly appealing element and on the other: madness, melancholy, subtlety, tenderness, longing, wildness and sex. It may happen the mixture explodes and then it's worth experiencing it and appraising its power.

I recommend.