F.O.D. Synthesizer Tanzmusik

F.O.D are definitely not novices in the music biz: starting from the single „Krissi„ (released in 2002) through such albums as „Crucified, „Made in Germany”, to the recent „Synthesizer TanzMusik”, Daniel "eXcess D", An/dress and AndrΓ© "van den gerk" have been making music described as synthpop, EBM, Wave and Electro.
I'm not going to meddle to the said classifications; for me personally the first (and the main) reaction was : „And One !!!!”. Sorry to say that, but my infected brain was able to produce such an obvious thought as the prevailing association on the spot.
This is what the album sounds like (at least for me): set very strongly in the mentioned ambiance, making use of typical synthesizer notes served in a fast („Synthesizer Tanzmusik”, „Runaway”, or the most lively and dancey „Free Again” or equally good, final piece „Counting Days”), or slow („Dreams”) version , with a nice treat in a form of female vocal entangled with the male one in a form of emotional dialog („Archangels Battlefield”), or gloomy, mysterious, slightly melancholic intros developing into ballad direction („Seconds of Love”), followed by a bit exotic, irregular (though catchy) rhythms („Soularis”) or - for a change - techno-frogs joyfully springing on the grass of electronic sounds („Sie”, „Life”) and finally trance, hypnotically extended stanzas diversified by unexpected vigorous refrain-kicks („Krankhaft”), „Synthesizer Tanzmusik” stands for a nice collage of variously chosen sonic seasons.
And so it goes – the music does not trespass synth-pop, EBM, new-wave borders, but even within the limits it sounds good enough to reach the people fond of such soundscape, for it features a satisfying dose of dynamism and energy.
Originality and innovation is a different thing though. On the whole: the album sounds good and if you suspense your crave for novelty, you'll surely have fun while listening to „Synthesizer Tanzmusik”.