
If I could ask the author of this brilliant book a question, it would be: what if the people do not fear the silence because of the questions it brings, but because they actually know the answers and don't like them? Or fear putting them into effect?

 Silence in the Age of Noise is a bit like 33 scenes of life - lessons on how to be more careful, observant and present in reality. How to be in touch with oneself.

The idea seems to be quite fashionable these days - no suprise - the amout of impulses we are attacked by every day is stupefying - one bus journey is enough to hear roughly 15 conversations - none of which is with you.

Kagge says silence is the best ally in reaching the true path in life; it's enough to overcome the chaos that outbursts in one's mind on being left undistracted.

According to him people fear silence, they intentionally add to the noise around them by means of music, tv, radio, internet - just not to be left alone with their own thoughts.

It's all true. I'm on stage when I need to accept the answers I get and decide if I ignore or enact them. Both will require some guts.

Growing up pains, what to do.