
 I once read: "fear nothing except fear itself."

Realising dreams might be scary.
It requires courage, determination, hard work. And good knowledge of oneself to state what the dream really is, not to mistake it with a whim or fashion.
It also takes a certain dose of humility to accept when something goes wrong or not exactly as planned.

 The current world says everything is possible.

From my personal experience  I'd say - yes, a lot of dreams may become reality. Still, it is a process during which it may appear the price to pay is too high in comparison to an expected gain or that it is not exactly what we dreamt about.

Anyway, we either live our lives consciously, make choices on our own or let the days pass by like a flow until the ultimate end.
So often we let the others or a coincidence decide on how we spend the time given to us without even paying attention, without sparing a single thought to it.
As I once read - life is not a rehearsal. Why waste it then if the only thing we have is now?

I recently realized how many wonderful friends I have who actually follow their dreams.

They are artists, photographers, musicians, painters, make up artists, doctors, teachers, bloggers, managers, travellers...people of many professions. They have one thing in common though - at some point they had the courage to follow their dreams. They don't live so so lives - even though sometimes it is hard.

A cloudbuster was a fantastical rainmaking machine; a symbol of a daring dream to influence weather, which, in its very nature, is uncontrollable by a human being. Yet people tried to build it anyway. 

Taking the first step and then another and another until realising "this is it" requires some guts.
And then hard work, taking the risk, letting some things or people go, believing in oneself and probably many other things. In the end one may undersatnd something is won but other things - lost.

I'd like to know what they are -  hence the blog.

Hope it will give me some answers
