Three graces

Some time ago I crossed a certain border - I realized to the bone that I'm mortal.
People generally know they will die some day, but it's like with many things in life - it's different to fantasize about something and to actually face it.

I don't know if it was my child who made me realize my expiry date or yet another birthday - doesn't really matter.
What matters is I started thinking if the life I have is the one I wanted to have. One of the hardest questions to answer. I have not found the satisfying answer yet.

Some call it the first world problems. Still, the moment one knows major choices in life were made and the consequences cling cling cling is striking.
 I feel that answering the question to oneself is crucial for any development whatsoever. 
And the inner peace as well.

I met the Three Graces in the park the other day. Calm, sociable, sunny - on the outside. 
What's really in their hearts? Hope it's the sun I saw and not the lonelines, sickness and fear.

Just a thought.
 As usual.