Interview with Elliott Berlin

The interview conducted for Reflections of Darkness

Elliott Berlin is a versatile artist cooperating with many bands, my impression of first seeing him on stage in April in Dresden was that he combines rock frenzy with perfection of performance.

I usually try to introduce the artists I’m interviewing, but this time my guest did it better than I ever could so I think I’ll just leave the stage over to him. Here is what he has to say – about himself, the music and more…Elliott Berlin.


My name is Elliott Berlin.

I’m a musician, audio engineer, stage and tour manager, roadie type guy from Sweden, based in southern Poland.

I currently work with or have worked with bands like Aesthetic Perfection, Combichrist, Ashbury Heights, Empathy Test, Yellow Lazarus, the Kendolls, Fucking Werewolf, De/vision, Mesh, Imperative Reaction, VNV Nation, Covenant, Auto auto and many many many more. Sometimes I appear under my own flag Telemark, my old - new name MaskinoperatΓΆr, my own name Elliott Berlin or my melodic black metal alias Nidbild.

I sometimes have a big mouth and because I couldn’t keep it shut I landed myself in a... let’s call it philosophical discourse, with representatives of Black Cat dot Net (Reflections of Darkness Chief Editor, k.ed) and as a means to an end I offered and interview. And so here we are. "