Diorama - Tiny Missing Fragments


(...)Things from our past, things we are looking or hoping for, all our demons and shooting stars, form a personal sky map which is never finite, never final, always in the making and re-shaping, transforming.
So are DIORAMA I think - ‘Tiny Missing Fragments’ is their tenth album and even though they are strongly set in a Darkwave, Synth, Electronic genre, with every album they reshape themselves, reinvent themselves, leave the old, no longer fitting sonic skin behind and adopt new colours to their musical palette. I took the journey to see what the missing fragments are, what their place and meaning in the bigger structure is and I must say the new release by Diorama is surely one of their best so far. It will not leave you disappointed if you’re seeking for intriguing melodies and even more intriguing, wise lyrics.
TINY MISSING FRAGMENTS will be out on 23.10.2020, don't miss it!

Read the complete review at Reflections of Darkness