Hantio, spektakl Jacka Zawadzkiego


‘Hantio’ is a solo performance primarily based on Bohumil Hrabal’s ‘Too Loud a Solitude’, Rainer M. Rilke’s ‘Malte’ and Fernando Pessoa’s ‘The Book of Disquiet’. The work on the piece has been the sum total of Jacek Zawadzki’s research and the ‘magic’ events that happened to him while working on the script. ‘Hantio’ features a lonely character, ‘a man of sorrows’ – thoughtful, concerned about the world, and an astute observer, often wrapped in thought, which both awakens and terrifies him. Hantio’s loneliness provides the core, the spine of the piece. From Rilke’s Malte comes watchful observation, while the protagonist of ‘The Book of Disquiet’ gives Hantio complete self-awareness. The three characters intersect at many points, both literally and symbolically. For all of them a window (or a manhole in ‘Too Loud a Solitude’) becomes the proverbial ‘window to the world’, behind which there are things they can call their own amid the misery of transience.
Jacek Zawadzki


Text and performed by Jacek Zawadzki
Staging: JarosΕ‚aw Fret
The piece is based on texts by Bohumil Hrabal, Reiner Maria Rilke, Fernando Pessoa.
Created during an artistic residency at the Grotowski Institute in WrocΕ‚aw
more info HERE